Episode 3

Published on:

9th Jun 2024

Histories & Mysteries w/ Yikes Mountain

It’s Gemini season, baby! Today, we celebrate the birth of two people: our very own red headed renegade Rob Snow as well as our guest of honor tonight, Yikes Mountain! You may remember Yikes from our two episode spotlight of the Outsiders Social Club Podcast and its crew. 

We salute these two gentlemen by doing a deep dive into the heart of America in the form of the Denver International Airport. If at this time you are wondering why the hell we would talk about a travel hub, well, prepare to be enlightened. This place is any conspiracy theorists wet dream…

Something About You - Araless (Vinyl Release)










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About the Podcast

The Nostalgia Pit
FKA: Ruining Your Childhood - The Pitfalls of Nostalgia
The Nostalgia Pit is a podcast aiming to dissect pop culture, the subconscious, and other psychological phenomena through a hyperbolic and prismatic lens. Hosted by Rob Snow and Colin Casserd, the Nostalgia Pit is available anywhere you find your podcasts.

Nostalgia is so often thought of as something great from our childhood... But this psychological pitfall can sometimes have massive effects on our decision making. Our goal here is to discuss these areas where morals and ethics blur and the warm feelings of childhood take over. Oh, and to talk some shit...

Produced by Colin Casserd
Engineered by Alex Riddle (Season 2)

About your host

Profile picture for Colin Casserd

Colin Casserd